About Me
Dorothy Gable
I found Christ while completing my biology degree. Shortly after I become a Christin, I met Ralph Gable who had found Christ in the Air Force. We married with plans for Ralph to become an electrical engineer.
While working for General Electric, the Lord called us to minister to the Swampy Cree of northern Manitoba, Canada. After more than ten years of ministry, we returned home and continued serving Christ in local churches as well as caring for aging parents.
Shortly after our return to the States I completed an accounting degree, worked as a tax accountant, and had the privilege to serve as the Senior Account for Emmaus International (now Emmaus Worldwide).
My first book, Dementia Caregiving from a Biblical Perspective: Your Guide for the Journey, came from my experiences caring for my mother with dementia. I spent three years studying the diseases that cause dementia and what they do to the brain. I also read every book on caregiving that I could find. It took another year to publish this book, and have spoken on this topic. Loving, nurturing caregiving remains the best treatment.
Fiction had always been a passion for me. I read widely and was a fan of Asimov, Tolkien, Herbert and other authors. While in Canada I began to craft my own stories and wrote my first novel, Long Way Home in 1995 for my grandmother's 90th birthday. The first edition of Down a Crooked Path followed a few years later.
However, I was not ready to publish my Christian novels until after the release of the dementia book. The Where the Wind Blows series was published in 2020, The Burier in 2021, and the Down a Crooked Path series in 2022 .
My next project will be a Christian fantasy series, The Lamorian Chronicles.
If you would like to be a beta reader (those who provide comments will receive a complimentary copy of the book), send an email to this address: dorothygablebooks@gmail.com. You may use the link below.